Publishers use organic recirculation to promote their own content to on-site users.
These recommendations are powered by Taboola’s predictive engine, which typically performs at double or triple the CTR of non-personalized recommendations in the same placements.
If your team is interested in adding organic recirculation to your site, please contact your Taboola account manager.
Promoting Specific Organic Items Within Recirculation Units
Publishers can choose to increase the frequency with which a particular organic content item appears in Taboola’s recommendations. All that is needed is the item URL.
- Log into Backstage
- Click on “Promote Content” in the left-hand menu (under “Editorial Tools”)
- Select appropriate content type (e.g. article, video, photo)
- Paste the content URL into the “Item ID” box
- Click “+Add” button
- Select the placements and/or sections where you want the item to appear
- Choose a promotion strength (e.g. boost, force)
- Set a time frame for the promotion (the default is seven days)
Excluding Organic Items From Recirculation
If you would like to exclude any organic items from appearing in Taboola’s recommendations, follow these steps:
- Log into Backstage
- Click on “Exclude Content” in the left-hand menu (under “Editorial Tools”)
- Paste the content URL into the “Item ID” box
- Click “+Add” button
- Click “Exclude”
Backstage will retain all of your excluded content in this section, so if you later decide to reinstate an item into circulation, you can easily do so here.
Optimizing Towards Your KPIs and Business Goals
By default, Taboola’s predictive engine maximizes visitor engagement by optimizing towards items with the highest CTRs. But publishers can choose to optimize towards other business goals or desired post-click actions, such as increasing video views.
For more information on how to tailor your recirculation towards specific KPIs, please contact your Taboola account manager.